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Newly professed Joseph Simbre from Fresno to Chicago

During novitiate, newly professed Joseph Simbre SVD learned the value of silence. » Continue Reading

Newly professed Miguel Romo Romo from Mexico to Chicago

Newly professed Miguel Toribio Romo Romo SVD credits the Scriptures and the examples of others, particularly his uncle, for furthering his spiritual journey. » Continue Reading

Newly professed Long Cao Nguyen from Vietnam to Chicago

The words of St. Thomas Aquinas inspires newly professed Divine Word Missionary Long Cao Nguyen as he learns what it takes to be a missionary. » Continue Reading

Newly professed Junior Jean Baptiste from Haiti to Chicago

Earlier this month, four men professed vows with the Society of the Divine Word. We've asked them a few questions to let you get to know them. Today, we introduce you to Junior Jean Baptiste SVD. » Continue Reading